
Raizy Mushell

Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW-R

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What is 6 - 3?

Raizy Mushell
Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I’m possible".

Why Raizy Mushell chose to be in the helping profession

I am a licensed social worker located in Brooklyn, with over 10 years of experience. I work with adolescents, young adults and adults struggling with anxiety disorders, including general anxiety disorder, and social anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, relationship issues and life transitions.
I'm training in a wide range of therapeutic modalities and I work with each client individually to determine the treatment plan and approach that works best for him/her. This includes psychodynamic, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Internal Family Systems, relational work and brief solution based treatment. I try to help the client find it within him/herself to see his/her own strengths and power to help themselves.
Through my authentic, non judgement and empathetic approach, we can work together to help you reach your goals, help you feel motivated and feel more satisfied with her life. Feel free to reach out to discuss further.

Languages spoken


People I work with

Adolescents (13-18) Adults Individuals Families

Personal religious affiliations


Jewish community experience


1414 Avenue P, Brooklyn, NY 11229, USA, Brooklyn, New York

10 years in practice


  • LCSW-R by New York 2015. License number 82800


  • MSW by Yeshiva University 2010

Average costs per session


Payment Methods

  • Cash
  • Check
  • ACH Bank Transfer


  • out of network

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